PolyGlot - Introduction
PolyGlot is a tool that is designed to help in the design, creation, and publication of constructed languages, or "conlangs."
When I first got into language creation, I realized that there were no tools available that really met all of my needs. So
I made one! Below, you'll find a list of its features, and if there's functionality you would like to see added, please
feel free to request a new feature! PolyGlot is free and open
source software that contains no advertising or other gross stuff. It is compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux. Please enjoy!
- A lexicon with advanced search, classification, and word creation capabilities
- A grammar guide/syntax repository with complex formatting and search functionality
- User definable orthography, with automatic generation of word pronunciations (regular expression compatible for deep orthographies)
- Full integration of the Zompist Word Generator
- Support for lexicon imports from Excel sheets and CSV files
- Full word class system
- Full Part of Speech system, including enforced conjugation/declension rules and auto-generation of word forms
- Formatted publishing to PDF, generating dictionaries (both conlang to natural language, and vice versa), chapter format for all grammar sections, gloss keys, orthographic rules, etc.
- A statistical language analysis tool
- An Etymology Engine with graphical generation of etymology trees
- Customizable character macros, for difficult to type languages using many diacritic marks
- Support for importing and embedding custom fonts (useful for languages with nonstandard or custom character sets)
- User definable parts of speech with integrated glossing system
- User definable rules for declension/conjugation, which automatically generate all legal forms of words
- Conjugation rule debug window for the construction of highly complex conjugation/declension rule sets
- Full logographic engine for languages that incorporate abstract symbols or entirely ideographic writing systems
- Fully formatable grammar section, allowing language rules to be elegantly broken into chapters
- Recording and playback of spoken examples within the grammar section
- A useful phrasebook for commonly spoken phrases
- Supports exporting lexicon to Excel
- Interactive IPA chart with spoken examples and characters copied to clipboard (courtesy of https://www.internationalphoneticalphabet.org/)
- Language statistics window for analysis of current lexicon
- RTL character direction enforcement for applicable languages (useful with custom scripts)
- Lexical consistency check tool to ensure compliance to language rules as you evolve them
- A mass IPA conversion tool
- Swadesh list import tool
Future Development
I plan on continuing to develop and refine PolyGlot so long as there's a healthy conlanging community and people who seem to be enjoying the program. Please feel free to suggest changes/enhancements, request new features, or just drop me a line to show off what you've created with the tool!
Support or Contact
The author of this software can be reached at Draquemail@gmail.com. All content included in this page and in the PolyGlot program is copyright (©) 2012-2022 Draque Thompson unless otherwise noted.